What is educational therapy?
Providing individualized and intensive interventions to help remediate and work on foundational skills.

Do you want to better understand your child's difficulties in math and which skills they need in order to successfully move forward?
~Educational therapy offers children and adults with learning disabilities and other learning differences a wide range of intensive, individualized interventions designed to remediate learning challenges and build resilience.
~Educational therapists create and implement a treatment plan that is data-driven and considers information from a variety of sources including the client’s social, emotional, psychoeducational, and neuropsychological profiles.
~Educational therapy demystifies learning differences and stimulates clients’ awareness of their strengths, so they can use those strengths to their best advantage to overcome or compensate for areas of weakness.
~We help learners develop the mathematical knowledge and skills into Algebra 1 that they need to be successful in school and in life.
Having experienced challenges with math and learning at an early age, I understand first-hand what it feels like to struggle in school; it is also a major reason that I can relate to what it feels like for your child. As a parent, I can empathize with what it feels like to have a child that struggles with learning and executive functioning issues.
It is my goal as an Educational Therapist to help you identify and better understand the underlying learning issues that are preventing your child from moving forward.
Let's work together to help your child learn how to achieve greater success in math.
You can read more about my background here.
The difference between Educational Therapy and Tutoring
More personalized. More comprehensive. More focused.
Educational Therapy
Reteaches skills that have already been taught in class.
Uses traditional teaching methods to reach academic goals.
Focuses on specific subject matter.
Provides homework assistance.
Focus is on improving grades.
Does not necessarily include training in learning disabilities, specific syndromes, assessments, appropriate interventions or case management.
Provides individualized support to work on foundational skills.
Helps clients build self-awareness and become more self-reliant, efficient learners.
Recognizes different learning behaviors and how this type of thinking affects academics and social-emotional learning.
Considers the impact of school, family, and community on the client’s learning.
Sets goals and develops an intervention plan that addresses academic, psycho-educational and socio-emotional aspects of life-long learning.
Utilizes variety of appropriate teaching strategies and differentiates instruction as needed.
Extensive and rigorous training in the psychology of learning disorders, assessment, and intensive intervention strategies.
Helps kids keep up with their schoolwork.
Read the full comparison for more information.